The experts at tile cleaning North Shore are the only ones you should turn to when it comes to maintaining your tiles website. They have seen everything and know exactly what your tile needs to remain in pristine condition. Let’s look at some tips to keep your tiles as good as they were when you first bought them.
We’ll start by talking about routine maintenance. If you think a quick mops will suffice, then you are wrong. Tiles act like sponges, absorbing dirt and grime more quickly than you could say “cleaning days.” The daily cleaning can be done with a soft bristle broom, vacuum cleaner or brush attachment. You’ll be glad you did.
Now let’s discuss those pesky groutlines. Grout can be the unsung star of your tile flooring, but only until it gets dirty. When it gets dirty, grout becomes like the bad guy in a bad flick. Baking soda and water can be mixed to make a paste that will keep your grout looking clean. You probably have an old brush lying around. Apply the paste with it, scrub with it and then rinse with warm running water. Voila! You can clean your grout without breaking into a sweat.
Sealing your tiles is a great idea. Then you are missing out. Sealing forms a barrier that prevents stains and makes future cleaning easier. This is like giving your tiles an invisble shield to protect them from dirt and spills.
Avoid harsh chemicals for those stubborn stains. You can get by with a little elbow-grease and some natural cleaning products. Most messes can be cleaned with white vinegar and water. This won’t damage your tile finish.
Don’t forget to prevent! An ounce is worth more than a pound in terms of resolving a problem. Use mats to prevent dirt from being tracked into the house. Use furniture pads or coasters underneath heavy items such as plants to avoid scratches.
Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143