How to run a hygienic clinic

Dubai’s economic growth is inevitable. Dubai’s transformation is evident in the skyscrapers and mega structures, as well as the booming business – read this!

It is important that Dubai’s medical clinics adhere to international standards of health, given the fast-paced society and lifestyle. Clinics in Dubai should be able not only to address the health concerns of the local population but also the increasing number of foreigners that want to experience the excitement of the new Dubai.

Dubai’s economy is improving, and so are the lifestyles of its people. It is therefore expected that they will need world-class clinics. It is important to remember that the main goal of a clinic should not be to generate profit, but to help people with their health problems and to be able to provide initial prescriptions.

A medical professional in a clinic can provide very useful advice to those seeking medical attention. Not everyone who has a simple fever or pain goes to the hospital. They may first try to get into a clinic. A medical clinic must be able to provide the service that clients expect.

The following tips should not be viewed as a replacement for any standards already established by higher authorities, but rather as supplementary and practical advice to consider when visiting a medical clinic.

A medical clinic in Dubai may be state-of-the-art when it comes to facilities. No businessman wants to fall behind Dubai’s reputation for producing ambitious construction projects. Although we are aware that the clinic’s structure isn’t a problem for its quality, it is important to keep the clinic clean.

The rooms should be well lit and ventilated.

Keep your equipment organized at all times. There should be no clutter on your table or anywhere else. Less is more. Throw away anything that takes up space and only keep what you really need. The things that you need at all times, like medical kits, stethoscopes and other such items should be kept in a permanent place.

For the purpose of keeping records for customers, it is important to neatly file all documents. In the medical field, this is essential. A file that is incorrectly transferred can have a negative impact on a person’s health. If files are not in the correct folder, a wrong diagnosis can be made.

Always keep dirt and dust away. Even if a maintenance team isn’t on the list, discipline and a mechanism to maintain the personnel for maintenance should be considered.

The Job Description should include the hiring of a qualified medical assistant or nurse to take all vital signs from a patient. It is important to train them on how to use and handle tools and equipments for safety. They should also be responsible for ensuring that all materials are properly sanitized to prevent the spread of diseases. Sanitation and hygiene are best included in a written policy. However, if this is not possible, a simple guide and some basic instructions will do.

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